Photo Competition – THE WINNERS

Well Friends, It was good to see so many of you competing and also voting in our photo contest. Contestant wise we had 12 in the Bike class and 50 in the Car class. 36 votes were cast for the…
The Friendliest Show in the South-East
The Friendliest Show in the South-East
Well Friends, It was good to see so many of you competing and also voting in our photo contest. Contestant wise we had 12 in the Bike class and 50 in the Car class. 36 votes were cast for the…
Do visit the two polls at the links below and cast your vote. The competition is open until Thursday 23 Aug midnight. For the bike competition visit You and Your Bike or scan the top QR code For the car…
In lieu of our cancelled show we are organising a photograph competition. There are two classes: 1) “You and your motorbike” and 2) “You and your car”. The winner is decided by public poll which will open on Saturday Aug…
Whilst preparations for the show continue as best as we can, the committee we are continuing to monitor and follow latest government guidance.Clearly we hope and pray that the show can happen and therefore are postponing a final decision to…
Due to the continuing popularity of the show we have had to become smarter in the way we operated the exhibit registration and issued show passes. When you sign up on-line you will receive an immediate confirmation email with your…
13/08/18: Registration for the show closed at midnight on Aug 12th. We have approximately 630 exhibit entries. This takes the show to near capacity. It’s a record. If you turn up on the day without having registered your classic, there’s…
Great news: we have decided this time to give special focus to the year 1968. Cars and Bikes 50 years of age this year will be given pride of place in the show ground. Do you have one? Sign up…
This year, for the first time ever, we have enabled our website to register auto jumble stall holders on line. Registration is open now, so do feel free to sign up an ensure your place. Secondly, if you so choose,…
The Capel Classic Car & Bike Show are proud to present our new website, virtually built from the ground up new. More modern features and technology. Better view-ability on mobile devices and smart phones by using responsive design methods. We…
What the show does well:: Even though it is a big show it feels like a village show. I like the mix of stalls and exhibits and the different categories in the horti show are great Any other feedback: I…