About the Show

The Capel Show is the result of the co-operation of two organisations in the village:

The Capel Horticultural Society
The Capel Classic Car & Bike Show

(aka the Friends of St John the Baptist Church)

In the past the two shows (Horticultural Society Summer Show and Classic Show) were held separately but since 2007 the shows have been combined on the Saturday. Year on year the event has grown and in we welcome around 5600 people into the grounds.

The Capel Show now has its own committee with the brief to organise the common elements of the two shows (Insurance, Signage, H&S etc).

The Show aims to provide a platform for fund raising for all kinds of local organisations:

Of course expenses need to be paid too so entrance fees go towards paying for the marquee hire, loo hire, First Aid people, insurance, barriers etc.

In 2023 a grand total of money was raised of around £9000 for a mix of good causes. Most of this money will benefit village life in Capel directly. Thus, consider your money well spent.

Where we are: