Classic Show Classes

The show has always had different classes to keep a tally of certain eras. They are as follows:
The number in brackets is the total registered for the show.

  • Class 0: Classic Motorcycles to 1960 (# 4)
  • Class 1: Collectors Motorcycles from 1961-1998 (# 11)
  • Class 2: Race and Trial Bikes (# 1)
  • Class 3: Veteran & Vintage Cars to 1944 (# 39)
  • Class 4: Post War Cars 1945 – 1960 (# 96)
  • Class 5: Classic Cars 1961 – 1973 (# 257)
  • Class 6: Collectors Cars from 1974 – 1998 (# 181)
  • Class 7: Race and Rally Cars (# 6)
  • Class 8: Vans/Commercials (# 16)